Designed by the Henri Mignet, the “Pou-du-Ciel” was the result of a long quest for a safe aeroplane that could be built quickly and cheaply by any amateur.
His first success was the HM-8, a nearly classic monoplane of which drawings and advices were diffused thanks the book he published himself.
Mignet thought difficult to use both hands and feets to handle an aeroplane and continue to built and try aeroplanes of his own creations till the HM-14 in 1933.
HM-14 characteristics :
Performances :
Length : 4,00 m
Engine power : 17-40 hp
Wingspan : front: 6,00 m rear: 5,20 m
Empty weight : 159 kg
Height : 1,68 m
Total Wing Area : 17,2 m²
Fuel consumption : 6,6 l/h
Wing Profile : NACA 23012
B.A.P.A. examplar : Come from the south of France. Private collection on loan. Powered with an ABC Scorpion II. In restoration at the workshop.
Another exemplar is stored pending completion at the workshop
B.A.P.A. examplar : Come from the south of France. Private collection on loan. Powered with an ABC Scorpion II. In restoration at the workshop.
Another exemplar is stored pending completion at the workshop